May a student whose husband dies continue her studies during her mourning period?

May a student whose husband dies continue her studies during her mourning period?

Question: A woman's husband died and now she must observe the mourning-waiting period while she is a student. May she continue her studies or not?

Response: It is obligatory upon the widow to observe the waiting and mourning period in the house she was living in when her husband died. This is for a period of four months and ten days. She may not stay anywhere else but there. She must avoid anything that beautifies her and makes her attractive, including perfume, kohl, attractive clothing and so forth. It is allowed for her to go out during the day if there is a need to do so. Therefore, the student in question may go out to attend her classes due to the need for such. However, she must do so while avoiding everything that a mourning woman must avoid and which may attract men and attract them to propose to her.

And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa
Fataawa al-Mar.ah

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